“Resurrection Bier” Wins 2025 Spiritual Art Awards by Mike McCarthy

I am honored to learn that the sculpture I carved for the Catholic Church Saint Mary of the Knobs in New Albany, IN won the 3D category for the 2025 Spiritual Art Awards! This was an international competition with over 800 artists from several countries. This sculpture was a very personal piece for me. I am thrilled that it won this competition.

Visit the Spiritual Art Award website by following this link: https://spiritualartawards.com/

“Society’s Decay 2 - Corrupted Justice” is completed by Mike McCarthy

I finished carving “Society’s Decay 2 - Corrupted Justice” yesterday. This piece is another in my “Couch Carving” series. I carved stone to look like cloth for the first time on “Resurrection Bier” and really enjoyed the result. I tried it again here and also really like it. To get the cloth to have a different look from the face and head, I textured the cloth a bit, but also did not use any oil or wax on it. I am happy with the results and I have submitted it to a show up in New Jersey. Hopefully it will make it in the show.

3D Video on my YouTube Channel by Mike McCarthy

I recently purchased a turntable so that I can take videos of my sculpture. When I have posted images in the past, I would post several views, but they never really convey the feel of the piece. These videos really do. Check out the our for “Mechanically Balanced Mind” by copying and pasting the link below. It will take you to my shorts YouTube page.

I Got Some New Rocks for My Birthday! by Mike McCarthy

I have to say that I have the best wife ever. For quite a few years, she has purchased different stones for me for Christmas and my birthday. She is also the most understanding wife ever because I have so many stones that I am running out of room to store them while they wait to be carved.

Anyway, below is a picture of this year’s birthday rocks!

The New York Horse Heads are Ready to Ship by Mike McCarthy

The 12th Horse Head is done! This completes this project. It also completes the first (and probably last) time I have done multiples of the same piece. It was a challenge to keep the creative process in tact. I am glad I did it as I now have public art in New Youk, but not sure I will do it again.

Now I have to crate them up so they can be shipped up there.

Here is a time lapse from beginning to end of the carving.


#mikemccarthysculpture #mikemccarthysculptor#stonesculpture #sculpture #carvingstone #art#publicart #MikeMcCarthy #newyorkart

Plaster and Resin Casts of Figurative Studies by Mike McCarthy

I finally had time to get some of my small plaster and resin casting work done. One eye and the ear are plaster. The other eye is resin. They are finished with metallic paint. www.mikemccarthysculptor.com #mikemccarthy #mikemccarthysculptor #mikemccarthysculpture #art #figurativeart #casting #resincasts #plastercasts #louisvilleart #sculpturegallery #sculpture #contemporaryart